Behind the low price may be a "floating account"! Many express delivery companies in the United States strictly investigate false orders and packages!

We often say that "cheap goods are not good", but this sentence does not seem to apply to the cross-border e-commerce logistics industry. Before low freight rates, there are still many cargo owners and sellers who will deliver the goods without hesitation.

Maybe some cargo owners will say that my goods have never had any problems.

But behind the good quality and low price, there are actually waves of low-price traps hidden!

low price warning


Many U.S. express delivery companies strictly investigate fake receipts!

Recently, the US Postal Service has revised the terms of the DMM (US Postal Internal Operations Manual) and submitted a new plan to the federal government for dealing with false receipts and packages.

At the same time, many American express delivery companies, including UPS and Fedex, are also investigating related issues.

A large number of fraudulent accounts have been exposed!

According to the UPS risk warning posted online, UPS will undergo a major rectification in the near future to strictly investigate issues such as area theft, weight theft, and unauthorized accounts. Once confirmed, a series of serious consequences will occur.

It ranges from paying extra freight, downgrading discounts, stopping the warehouse's full container delivery service, and the single items registered with a fake account will not be scanned online, will not be delivered, and may even be destroyed, etc.;

In serious cases, you may be sued and the relevant legal responsibilities will be pursued, and the delivery warehouse address will also be blacklisted!


What is a running water account?

  The fake account number is also called "fake receipt" or "technical account". It uses the rules of USPS receipt numbering to crack and directly print the receipt for shipment.

  The specific operation is: the express company first opens an account with a separate trade name, promises a certain volume of goods, and gets a better discount. Later, only cash was accepted in the market based on monthly settlement or quota. Before the account expires and settles the account, cancel the goods and withdraw the trade title, and do not settle the payment. Use the rules of USPS bill numbering to crack and directly print the bill for shipment (fake bill), so that you can print the bill at the end. Almost zero cost for single delivery.

This kind of empty-handed operation can create a large amount of considerable profits out of thin air. Therefore, some companies will take risks and collect goods in the market at cost prices or lower prices. The more goods they receive, the higher the profits they will achieve. It will be more impressive. There are even rumors in the industry that some service providers clearly mark the price of how much a monthly subscription for a water account will cost.

From "far warehouse delivery" and "buying and selling owner's goods" that take advantage of Amazon warehouse loopholes, to "bottomless value declaration" that takes advantage of U.S. customs loopholes, to "lost accounts" that exploit UPS delivery loopholes, the cross-border e-commerce circle We are being overwhelmed by the evil trend of "bad money drives out good money, and good money is lost to stupid money".

Therefore, if you encounter low-cost shipping that is far lower than the market price, don’t take chances. For sellers, in addition to losing the batch of goods, the most fatal impact will be the negative customer reviews and the decrease in store weight. !

The low price is not as good as the service!

In fact, as early as last year, the United States Postal Service and USP had begun to rectify and strictly investigate fraudulent accounts. Many colleagues have been deceived by fraudulent accounts, and many customers' goods have even been detained and destroyed. Many freight forwarding companies have also lost a lot of money as a result. money.

However, this problem still persists, and fake accounts are rampant, which triggers UPS to strictly investigate and carry out large-scale rectification.

It is reported that a large number of goods suspected of violating regulations have been seized in the United States. Some relevant industry personnel have been taken away by the FBI for investigation and even detained by the police for several weeks.

What cannot be ignored is that the current cross-border logistics market is rife with low-price competition and chaos in end-of-line delivery.

This series of measures taken by UPS will not only help curb the proliferation of false orders, but also further clear up gray area problems. At the same time, in the long run, it is a wake-up call for the industry. What cross-border logistics strives for is full-link service quality rather than blindly offering low prices to “kill competitors”.

For sellers, when choosing a logistics service provider, you must compare several logistics companies and carefully choose a logistics company that operates in compliance with regulations to avoid pitfalls.

Tag:false ordersus shippingfloating accountscamsexpress delivery